just the music I wanted to make…to tell this story

All I’ve ever wanted to do was to make music.  It’s been something in me since I was a little kid, about 5 years old and heard Karen Carpenter sing for the first time in a very special memory.  I’ve been involved in music some way or somehow ever since.  But it was not just Karen; I was raised hearing music of many different influences and genres, and as I grew up I just starting finding power behind singing – it seemed the only way to really get my voice heard.  I’ve spent years doing cover material, with an original being done now & then, but now it is time to work “on my own”.  These songs literally represent my life.  People who I’m close to will recognize situations we’ve had at times in these songs.

As a singer, I’ve had a fair amount of success for not being “classically trained”; I never wanted that.  I am a pop singer. What I HAVE accomplished has been wonderful.  I got to record at Nightingale Studios in Nashville for a project, been very close to signing with labels several times,  have sung on both coasts and national television, and placed 8th out of 128 vocalists in Vegas in a nationwide vocalist search.

Ongoing stats from resources online:


My covers and recordings have garnered over 64,ooo listens and over 4,000 downloads


My originals only on this site have now played my music over 1,900 times, almost 300 video plays and there are now over 1,200 fans.


I’ve been lucky to have had over 18,000+ listens on Jango Radio where my music plays alongside established well-known artists and has allowed exposure all over the world, gaining over 200 fans in the last 4 years.


506 “Likes” and 497 followers alone on this page as of July 2018.  This does not include separate pages for the album itself, the attached personal page and side-business interests of karaoke or acting pages.

There are a million excuses I could put up about certain aspects of the concept album that is “Worth The Wait”, but they don’t matter. It’s an album of my original music, in a pop vein – MY pop vein –  and a mental soundtrack to what I’ve lived.

Time is a rare commodity – and as I age, I’m finding the common themes of regret creeping in easily while I’m trying to let more of the artist take hold and create, reconnect to Spirit, myself and life.  There are always too many things to juggle, and my cards have made it to where time to work on this project is just not always available.  I became very frustrated in 2018 as it was difficult to write due to stress.  I look back at some writings when I started organizing the project 5 years ago and still saw a good deal of anger floating through the words.  A lot of that is really gone and I think that is why I’ve started to move forward in addition to just plain old fashioned human growth, recovery and nature.

Lastly, I appeal to anyone who goes as far to listen – this is a project that will grow greatly even more important over the next year as I tweak initial productions, start new ones, and finish writing these last several songs.

One of the biggest steps I was able to take in moving forward with the writing was that I finally realized that while of course, I would love for people to welcome this as a ‘new’  yet ‘familiar’ sound and embrace the collection for what it stands for – I really am not writing it for that reason.  It’s for me, and I feel there’s a good story within my soul to tell.  I feel that when the production is finished someone could listen to it from start to end and say “Ok, now i get it.”

But I dedicated myself to finishing this and i will.  And it just might have saved me in the end.


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